EWDLL010.ZIP - Release Date: February 16, 1994 Copyright (C) 1994 by R&R Engineering - All Rights Reserved This ZIP file contains a DLL for displaying 256-color bitmaps in Windows Help files. Also included is a help file which documents the library and serves as an example of its use. All source code for the DLL, as well as all files and bitmaps necessary to generate the help file are included. To begin learning about how the DLL works and how to use it, copy all of the files in this archive to a single directory, and then load the EWDLL.HLP file using Windows Help. If you have questions, comments, or suggestions regarding this embedded window DLL, the author can be contacted via Internet e-mail at pacheco@harding.edu. The latest version of EWDLL and its source code can be obtained via ftp from ftp.harding.edu in the directory /pub/pacheco. Files in this archive: FILE DESCRIPITION ------------ --------------------------------------------------------- README.TXT This file COPYING.LIB GNU General Public Library License EWDLL.DLL The embedded window DLL called by WINHELP EWDLL.DEF Definitions file for EWDLL EWDLL.H Header file for use in programming embedded windows EWDLL.CPP BC++ 4.0 source for EWDLL EWDLL.OBJ Compiled version of EWDLL.CPP EWDLL.HLP A help file which documents and demonstrates EWDLL EWDLL.HPJ Help project file for EWDLL.HLP EWDLL.RTF Topic file for EWDLL.HLP B_*.BMP 16-color bitmaps used as links in EWDLL.HLP Contents H_*.BMP 256-color bitmaps used by the EWDLL.HLP file